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The camp was great and very well organised. We are very pleased with our experience.

It was truly out of this world.

Today I had the opportunity to meet the future space engineers of Türkiye. The incredible questions and answers of the young space engineers made me believe in the future of our country in the space sector.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to the management of Space Camp Türkiye for this great opportunity.

It has been the most wonderful, fantastic experience being here with all the campers and your wonderful staff. You have treated me like royality.

I am so impresed with all you are doing to improve all the campers to “Reach for the stars”  What a joy to meet the excitement and all these faces. You are helping meld the future leaders of the World. The lesson learned at Space camp will raise them well and they mature into responsible adults.

May you continue the good work influincing the young citizen of the World.

The space campers of today are the scientists, engineers and diplomats of tomorrow. The interest in science and the international outlook they develop here at Space Camp Türkiye will benefit all of us in the future. And, most importantly, it's fun.

It is fun, educational and surely unforgettable experience for all our students. During the Space Camp students learn many different things about space itself and space exploration. It encourages teamwork and curiosity, allowing meeting students and teachers from other countries, learning their culture and making new friends. I am sure that for the students it is like a dream come true. It all would not happen if it wasn’t for the scholarship that the Space Camp is providing. 

I would definitely recommend the Space Camp to everyone.

Space Camp Türkiye is truly an inspiring place where kids have the opportunity to learn and explore in a fun atmosphere. It is a great investment in the future that stimulates young people’s interest in the study of math, science, technology and aviation. It is wonderful to see the enthusiasm these students have for space and aviation, and I hope some of them are now inspired to become future engineers.

I‘m short of words to express the positive impact of the PSSP activities which my students and I had a chance to participate in and carry out and the opportunities the program itself has offered. Starting with the interesting and informative educational online meetings held by the professional staff of GFTSE, experiencing the joy of cognition during the hands-on challenges that were offered with each different topic of the program, and of course the invaluable experience of the PSSP Space Camp. For me, as a teacher and parent, the greatest joy and worth of participating in the PSSP program is to witness how young people – my students - develop and enhance their personalities. Through the accomplishment of STEAM activities they not only acquire new knowledge, but also develop the most important soft skills necessary for their every day life and future workplace: communication skills, emotional intelligence, leadership, flexibility and adaptability and teamwork. If anyone is wondering whether to take part in the PSSP or not – the only doubtless answer should be "YES, definitely“!
Vaida Šiaučiūnė

I understood the importance of international cooperation better when they made us watch the movie about spaceships on the first night of our stay. I was able to realize that space is a common place for all humanity, there are no borders and people do not fight each other here at Space Camp Türkiye. On the contrary, they explore space together. . There are many labs and activities that are fun and exciting. Space Camp Türkiye is not only a learning experience but it lets us get closer together with kids from different countries...

I’m really impressed with the organization at Space Camp Turkey. It’s one of the most organized camps that I’ve ever been to, and I travel quite a bit for my job. Even five years ago when I was here and now being back, everything is so well-organized. The camp counselors are extremely qualified, they’re very energetic and the staff is always really friendly and willing to help if there is a problem or if they can help to make the experience better for anyone…That’s also something that makes it such an incredible experience for the students and the teachers.

I just wanted to say thank you once again for all of your efforts and care in keeping my daughter healthy and safe. She had an amazing time, she is still talking about the experience and her amazing counsellors. Your team there has left a permanent and positive impression on her. I cannot thank you enough for the wonderful experience you have provided to my child and for the constant reassurance you provided to me, we are most grateful!
Thank you again and I look forward to my son having an opportunity to come to your space camp in a few years!

Space Camp Türkiye has exceeded our expectations. The facilities and staff are phenomenal. The staff were accommodating, caring and great role models for our students. The activities inspired our students and challenged them. They learnt to become more collaborative and critical thinkers. We were made to feel at home and it has been a privilege to be here. We cannot wait to come back.

First of all, I would like to thank you for hosting my son with sincerity, love and respect during the camp session, for keeping an eye on him and for being his family during the week.
I would also like to thank the Moon Team Leader Esra for being able to be my son’s sister in such a short time.
Thank you for opening up big horizons in front of my son, allowing him to make new lasting friendships and collect wonderful memories.
Thank you thousands of times for everything.

Dear Mr. Woodham, I meant to write this letter earlier. However, I could find the time at the end of our school year. So please accept my apologies for that. As the principal of Enka Schools I am writing to express our sincere gratitude and appreciation for the outstanding hospitality you showed to our students as well as for the engaging learning activities your team provided during their space camp trip in May. Both students and teachers returned from the camp very happy and inspired. Following the trip students kept talking about the wonderful experiences they had there. Their conversations were about astronauts, rockets, telescopes, planetarium, and space mission etc. It is very obvious that you have a very good program and wonderful staff there. Thank you for making learning engaging, significant, inspirational and fun. Once again we extend our warmest thanks to you, to Cigil Hanim and to other staff. I hope one day we have a chance to meet you in person. Also, we would be honored to have you visit our school. Sincerely yours. 

I recently returned from our three day, two night Space Camp Program. I would like to thank Space Camp staff for the excellent experience that my students (and myself) enjoyed whilst there.
We had two fantastic counselors, Lex and Hatice. Lex has an excellent rapport with the students and he 'made' Space Camp for them. He is well mannered, knowledgeable, has good classroom management and a joy for the kids/teachers to be around. I look forward to returning next year and having him as our counselor again.
Hatice was also excellent with classroom management and building a rapport with the students. Her English was fantastic and the girls enjoyed having her as their counselor in the dorms.
I believe that the counselors are vital to the success of the trip for the students. We were lucky to have two of the best!
Thank you to everyone at Space Camp for all the work you do!

Space Camp Türkiye was an amazing, once-in-a lifetime opportunity. I got to meet new people, try new foods, and expand my knowledge about space. There were many hands-on activities and simulators that taught us more about space and we did many team building exercises. I would recommend this camp to anybody, even if you don’t have an interest in space, because by the end of the week, you will.

On behalf of the BISI team, thank you for all you work to make Space Camp the highlight of the year for our year 5 kids. They loved it, as they always love it. They talk about it for years. 

During Middle School, I have had the wonderful experience to participate in the Space Academy Program which has been part of my motivation to work in the space sector. During my stay at Space Camp Turkey, I got to meet the wonderful instructors and learn some of the most fundamental knowledge to grow in the space industry. Now, almost twenty years later, I have had the opportunity to work at the European Space Agency for a variety of different assignments which included a research on how to grow plants in Moon and Mars rocks and gravity. I would recommend Space Camp Türkiye to anyone who is young and interested in space! ~ Arno den Toom, Plant Biotechnologist.

I had a wonderful time at Space Camp and my favorite thing that we did was the mission because although I was really really busy with all the buttons in the ISS, I was still able to enjoy it. I also loved doing the Multi Axis Trainer because I always love climbing and swinging on trees and this was like a better more fun and faster way of doing that! The food at Space Camp was delicious so that was always a good thing to look forward to :). The counselors and staff were really nice and patient. 

I love Space Camp Turkey!

Only here I could realize that Space is a common place for all mankind, where there are no borders, where people don’t fight with each other. Instead they investigate space together. And the first night when they show us the theater documentary about spaceships, they emphasized international cooperation…

The Space Camp Türkiye program is incredible. There is everything in it: interesting lectures about space and cosmonauts, exciting activities, space missions, training, and of course great professionals.

It was one of the greatest weeks of my life. I had fun and learned a lot about space. This program is a great way to make friendships from different countries and learn about their cultures.I am deeply grateful that my parents sent me over here. I couldn’t have asked for more...

Thanks to the perfect organization of all the responsibles of the Space Camp Türkiye, one by one put a “stone” to what we call Friendship, Greek and Turkish, Turkish and Greek, Uzbek and Greek or Turkish…, it doesn’t have any borders!

As a pediatric occupational therapist as well as a mom, I’ve been involved in such programs. This was the most amazing one and the one I enjoyed the most. First, the organization of the program, the structure of the work, the ability to combine playful activities with learning captured my attention the most. Beyond the learning part, I noticed a high level of safety and care about the kids. All of our kids felt very secure and highly supported by the team. This is an extra ordinary experience and I highly recommend this program to all children.

“For me as a teacher it is the “golden” opportunity to see and share the methods how I should work with children in really rare science demonstrations. For students “space camp” is a challenge and experiment all together in astronomy, in physics and English. But the most important part is that they have to see each other in multicultural environment. They are really excited, they are happy and they work in a team with children from other countries.”

In my journalism mission here from Aug.13 - 17, 2003, I enjoyed working with you and making new relationships with kind people from different parts of the world. The Space Camp Türkiye staff, facilities, time management, food, everything were excellent. You have treated me like I was your own brother. I wish to see the days when we can give back to you for your generosity.

On behalf of all the our Israeli students I would like to thank you and the devoted Space Camp Türkiye team for the marvelous time they had during the two Space Camp weeks. Miri, the chaperone of the second delegation, much like her predecessors (and) she described how happy and joyful were all the participants. She mentioned also the friendly attitude among the participants and the staff. Finally she noted the kind, helpful and warm organization of all the staff. My special thanks also to Mr. Kaya and Mary Tuncer for this wonderful program.

..In passing days of our stay we discovered how organized this camp is and it has to do nothing to the ordinary camps. Everything is settled to detail. The hospitality approaches are to the highest standards. The staff is very polite, the food is very good but the most important is that the knowledge that is offered by Space Camp Türkiye is above all. The counselors give the children the highest education about space and technology that man discovered by teaching them in groups in which take part kinds from different countries, cultures and languages helping them to be friends with each other and to built relationship and friendship between them. All the program is focused on the target of transferring knowledge and education to the children and I believe that in this way what is written in the entrance of Space Camp Türkiye “GELECEĞİN LİDERLERİ BURADAN DOĞAR – FUTURE LEADERS ARE BORN HERE – OI HTETEΣ TOY MEMONTOΣ TENNIOYNTAT EDO” will be done for sure.

The team spirit that was formed and the time management training were very constructive.

I would like to thank all the administrative and counselor staff of your institution on behalf of my daughter for organizing such a nice and useful event. We attribute the fact that my child does not have time to miss me and her mother to the unity, solidarity, love and teaching intensity created here. This made me very happy. I hope that this useful activity and your work will always be successful, and I would like to present my greetings and respect.

Thank you so much for organizing what is being called at our school ‘the best trip ever’. Since our return to school the students have been so excited ad enthusiastic about the experience that our school will now put 2 Space Camp Türkiye trips a year permanently on our school calendar. One for the Primary School, and one for the Secondary School. Incorporating the trips to Ephesus and Izmir into the Space Camp experience has meant we can offer our students an excellent educational experience through Space Camp Türkiye and as an accompanying teacher on the Space Camp experience I cannot express enough how much of a wonderful educational and fun experience it has been for our students. Keep up the excellent work you are all doing and a big hi from the students of TISA.

[During my time at Space Camp Türkiye] I noticed that my English got much better. I was able to communicate with people from other countries more easily and talked to them about everything. [I] learnt about space not only from lectures, but also by working in a team – which is really important.

I cannot tell you how impressed I am with this program. To see it in action is phenomenal. I have seen the children grow emotionally and socially in ways I never imagined. You are planting the seeds of knowledge, open-mindedness and worldwide acceptance. Congratulations for a wonderful accomplishment.

The Space Camp has been an asset to me. Everything was very beautiful and very entertaining. There is another life at the Space Camp. It both taught me and entertained me. I feel very lucky to be able to come here.

The Space Camp is a great opportunity for those that are interested in it. The most important thing that drew my attention at the camp was that the program was implemented with great care.

Space Camp Türkiye has been an unforgettable experience for me. We were a great group and went to a fantastic place. [The program] was very well organized so we learned a lot of new and interesting things about Space, astronomy and space travel.

…[Space Camp Türkiye gave me] the opportunity not only to broaden my horizons about space exploration and science in general, but also to learn about different cultures from children from the United States of America, Türkiye, Poland, France and last, but not least Jordan. By doing so I created strong bonds with children from all these nations, with whom I still keep contact even in daily basis, through the Internet. All of these would have never happened without the great contribution of Kaya Tuncer.

This was the first time that JESS (Jumeirah English Speaking School) students had gone to Space camp and they all had a one of the best experiences. The students learnt a range of different skills and all staff were extremely helpful. I was impressed with the range of activities and all of the students were raving about the range of food available. This is a trip that JESS students will definitely do again and again.

Hello! My name is Tatyana, I am 15 years old and I am from Bulgaria. I was 7 years old, when I found that I don’t want to be the same as the children with whom I go to school, play games or just pass through them on the street. I wanted to be unique. The most unique thing I found was space, so that is why I am in love with every single star in this Universe. Space Camp is the shortcut to the Space. You can make your dreams come true, you can try simulators and maybe for one moment you can imagine or believe in yourself that you CAN go out of this planet. You can be an astronaut! I am really thankful to everyone, who helped me to be part of Space Camp and this magic! If you want to become a cosmic child, Space Camp is the place!

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