Space Camp Türkiye is the ultimate adventure for a kid. It’s a place to discover the universe, learn about space missions, and experience the fascinating world of astronautics in a very unique way.

5 Reasons Why You Should Send Your Child To Space Camp Türkiye!

Every child deserves the opportunity to take part in fantastic space adventures such as a simulated walk on the Moon, building rockets, or a space mission. Space Camp Türkiye , the ultimate space education center located in Izmir, is not just another ordinary camp experience, it is so much more!


Who wouldn’t want to invest in their child’s future? If your child has a long term interest in space or is dreaming about becoming an engineer, scientist, pilot, etc., then Space Camp Türkiye will provide an excellent opportunity for an outside-the-classroom experience and hands-on training in an inspiring and unique setting.

Space and technology related presentations by the Space Camp Türkiye staff may help your child find their career path. Even the stories and photographs of the astronauts we have hosted over the years can be an important influence on your child. Earlier this year, a Space Camp Türkiye graduate had sent us a testimonial about how Space Camp Türkiye has inspired him to become a pilot. You may read it below.

On the left: Ufuk Yücel saluting as the Space Shuttle Commander during the Space Station Mission at Space Camp Türkiye. On the right: He poses as the second pilot of a major airline.


The term ‘life skills’ is mostly used for any of the skills required to deal effectively with the challenges of life. There is no definitive list of life skills but certain skills may be more important for your child’s future. This is the point where Space Camp Türkiye really shines.

The Essential Life Skills such as problem solvingtime management, and leadership all come into play during the activities that take place at Space Camp Türkiye. Problem solving is a task that is greatly encouraged throughout the programs. Around every corner, creative solutions need to be presented in order to succeed in space shuttle mission, rocket building, and other areas. Because of the way our activities are designed, the time management skills of your child will greatly mature. The campers learn and understand the difference between urgent and important which helps them in prioritizing their time and their workload.

Space Camp Türkiye will not be the last place your child will improve certain life skills but it will definitely be one of the most effective. Don’t be surprised if your child starts pursuing more leadership opportunities after graduating from Space Camp Türkiye.

Campers carefully following the mission script and the screens located at the mission control center.


One of the most important lessons kids can learn, one that will continue to benefit them their entire lives is how to work with others as a part of a team. Teamwork is important not only in childhood, but it also plays an important role in helping them succeed as adults.

From the first minute your child enters Space Camp Türkiye to the last minute before departing, he or she will be a part of a very special team. The teamwork spirit among the team members will increase from one activity to another whether they are constructing a hot air balloonsimulating a space shuttle mission, or creating a mission patch together.

A successful day at Space Camp Türkiye involves lots of teamwork and it is something that we value very much. Teamwork teaches kids important skills and life lessons, but like any other skill, having a good teacher or coach is a critical aspect of the process. Our counselors do their best to make sure campers learn how to work together as a team.

Campers working together to agree on a Mission Patch design before the drawing process.


We live in an age of technology and science, which shape our daily lives. The scientists and engineers that are a part of ongoing space missions are actually the true leaders of the world we live in. The space age inventions and technologies that we use in our daily lives are far too many to count but just to give you an idea, let us name a few; Camera Phones, Memory Foam, Wireless Headsets, Scratch Resistant Lenses, Freeze Dried Food, Baby Formula etc.

At Space Camp Türkiye, we share the latest developments regarding space missions and technology with the students in hopes of encouraging them to study STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) related subjects. Your child will experience the thrill of riding the Astronaut Training Simulators designed by NASA. This is an ideal opportunity for children of all ages to experience ‘hands on’ space training and to live the life of an astronaut.

Sometimes a student can’t grasp a concept while sitting through a dull physics lesson. However, when a student sees the real world applications that have been utilized by rocket scientists, for example, algebraic equations suddenly become fun and easy. State-of-the-art simulations of space missions at Space Camp Türkiye inspire students to pursue more challenging math and science classes.

Two campers experiencing weightlessness just like the astronauts aboard the International Space Station.


It is extremely important for kids to realize how they see themselves may be different from how others see them. Kids who have self-awareness are more able to recognize their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Activities like Space Shuttle Mission and Rocketry will test your child’s limits and help gain confidence.

Besides the activities, there is also the contribution of Space Camp Türkiye counselors. These adult role models can boost each camper’s self-confidence by cheering them on, placing them in a leadership role, or just chatting about their interests.

Even though your child may have traveled to different locations with you, this may be the first overnight experience where everyone is considered a new friend. The safe and secure environment of Space Camp Türkiye, as well as the constant communication between the Space Camp Türkiye staff and your child is something that you will deeply appreciate. The experience of having responsibilities and achieving them, meeting counselors, preparing for the new day, etc. is a great opportunity for personal growth.

Campers chilling out at the dormitories and preparing to go to sleep after a jam-packed day full of activities.

We are honored to have hosted around 250,000 children from over 60 countries around the world since the year 2000. An American parent, Mrs. Diane McGrane, was kind enough to share her experience after bringing her kids to Space Camp Türkiye back in 2018. Here is an excerpt from her interview with a local newspaper.

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